When we set off in the early morning of the 28/04/2020 Bruce said he will walk 150km around his house (level 5 lockdown we were not allowed to leave our premises, except shopping for essentials or visit at the doctors) in 3 days. While he walked roughly 11 hours every day to get to 50km, we tried to connect with the world to get some donations for our first beneficiary Hlokomela Herb Garden.
We were hopeful optimistic to get 30'000 or maybe even 50'000 ZAR together during this difficult time of the pandemic.
3 days walking 150km turned into 1000km walk in 20 days for Bruce and finally there were over 200 active people involved form 21 different countries and a combined 16'800km was walked to support the vulnerable community in the surrounding area of Hoedspruit with wholesome food parcels. What an unexpected positive journey it was in the last 3 month! We are so grateful for everyone who was involved in this campaign!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Nathalie Arn Co-Marketing Director, Tshembo Africa Foundation
